29.01.2019 | The President of Turkmenistan and members of the Government discuss draft profile programmes at video conference session

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session with number of the members of the Cabinet of Ministers where the subjects of state economic and social policy under formation of market relations have been discussed, developments of programmes of profile development have been reviewed and important decisions on structural changes of the ministries and departments has been made.

First, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.Orazgeldiyev reported on the elaboration of the Programme of agricultural development of in 2019 2025.The document is developed taking into account the priorities outlined by the President of Turkmenistan on social and economic development of the country in mid-term perspective.

In particular, the document provides complex of measures aimed at further increment of import substitutive production made by agricultural complex, rapid development of crop cultivation, livestock and poultry farming and other branches of this section of the economy, creation of new agricultural processing facilities.

Measures for enhancement of production of agricultural crops, rational use of land and water resources, implementation of advance including digital technologies and latest scientific and research developments as well as for development of national selection and livestock breeding.

Special place in the Programme is given to the measures for provision of ecological wealth and promotion of international initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan in water diplomacy.Having highlighted the importance of steadfast implementation of the resolutions made by the People’s Council concerning the modernization of agriculture and transition of national economy to market relations, the Head of the State informed about the decision on transformation of relevant ministries and profile departments.

In this regard, it was mentioned that the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management is merged with the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection is formed on the their basis.

For further improvement of activity in water provision and use, the State Committee of Water Management is established.It will deal with the provision of water to agriculture and population.

National Hydrometeorology Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan is transferred to the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection and renamed to the Hydrometeorology Service, which would support integrated development of the branch and improvement of its management, the President noted.

In its turn, Scientific and Research Institute of Agriculture, which was working under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, is transferred under the jurisdiction of Turkmen Agricultural Institute and will be named as agricultural scientific and production centre of the above-mentioned Institute.

The Head of the State ordered to change the form of the ownership of all facilities of new Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection, to privatize these facilities by changing to joint stock ventures, which will make additional opportunities for fundamental reformation of entire branch in general.

Vice-premier E.Orazgeldiyev was ordered to make proposals on the candidates for the head positions of new ministry and the State Committee of Water Management as well as to hold to sessions of the joint stock ventures for election of the heads of new enterprises.

Having signed relative documents, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent them to the Vice-premier via electronic document management system and gave number of instructions regarding the organization of work of new structures.

Speaking of the Programme of development of agricultural industry in 2019 2025, the Head of the State highlighted again that it has to be prepared in accordance with the time requirements based on the implementation of the Concept of Digital Economy adopted in the country.

The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to enforce scientific component of this document, innovative methods and scientific achievements have to be used in solution of set objectives.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakiyev reported on the work on the Programme of development of industrial, transport and communication industries in 2019 2025 initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The Vice-premier informed that industrial sector has strategic objectives for creation of innovative processing complexes, increment of production volumes of building materials required for construction complex based on local material resources, opening of joint ventures, training of qualified specialists for industrial sphere.

Volumes of processing of mineral resources have to be increased, variety of production has to be expanded, investments for construction of new and modernization of existing facilities have to be attracted and import substitutive production has to be developed for bringing of our country to the rank of the world leaders in production and export of construction materials.

Speaking of further development of transport and communication sphere, the Vice-premier highlighted that systematic activity for development of international legal and regulatory base for following formation of transport networks combining motor, railroad, sea and air routes by logistic centres and seaports is carried out for creation of stable multimodal transit corridors.

All of these will support economic growth on regional and international levels.Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that according to the Constitution, we have to change the economy from government management to market relations.

In this regard, Turkmen leader announced the decision on the reforms in industrial, transport and communication spheres.For these purposes, the Ministry of Industry and Communication is established, which will have the Ministries of industry, Communication, railway and motor transport, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport as well as Türkmenhowaýollary Service under its jurisdiction.

In the structure of the Ministry, these organizations will be named respectively Türkmensenagat, Türkmendemirýollary, Türkmenawtoulaglary, Türkmenaragatnaşyk, Türkmendeňizderýaýollary and Türkmenhowaýollary Agencies.The forms of ownership of all enterprises of this complex will also be changed and they will be transformed to joint stock ventures and privatized.

Therefore, new Ministry of Industry and Communications will outline government policy on pricing and tariffs and organization of transport routes.It would also represent our country in different international structures, the Head of the State summed up.

Continuing, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed about the decision to transform National Space Agency, having transferred it under authority of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication, having named it as the Space Department of the Agency.

It is necessary to establish several joint stock ventures namely Balkan Ship building and repair yard and Türkmentehnogurluşyk including Türkmensenagat eksport-import JSC under the authority of the Ministry of Industry and Communication, turkmen leader highlighted.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered the Vice-premier to hold the meeting with the shareholders of new structures and to elect the management as well as ordered to organize the work for arrangement of activity of new joint stock ventures.

The Head of the State signed relative documents, which were sent immediately to Vice-premier M.Chakiyev by electronic document management system.For successful solution of set objectives, the Head of the State has ordered to provide coordinated activity of all services under the supervision, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments on this account.

Nest, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D.Amangeldiyev reported on the work for elaboration of the Programme of development of construction and energy industries in 2019 2025.

It was mentioned that the plan of development of Ashgabat provides the It was mentioned that the plan of development of Ashgabat provides the continuation of construction of new living estates, reconstruction of existing engineering and technical systems, development of road and transport infrastructure and planning of the streets in the capital.

Priority measures for improvement of municipality management and its modernization were outlined under set objectives.Great attention is paid to construction of motor roads and bridges, which are to bring the traffic in order, to provision of coordinated work of construction and energy structures and municipal services.

Uninterrupted supply of the population, organizations and facilities with electricity is among the most important subjects.Following this, special importance is given to the development of energy industry, which is one of the main branches of the economy.

The Programme provides comprehensive plan of construction and opening of the facilities.New objectives were set out, which solution is to support to turn Turkmenistan into industrially developed state, diversification and dynamic development of national economy.

Great role is given to use of modern technology and equipment, creation of innovative production structures during fulfilment of all planned works.Works for further implementation of National rural programme of Turkmenistan is under strict control.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed about the decision on merging of the State Concern Türkmenawtoýollary with the Ministry of Construction and Architecture for optimization of structural divisions of the state authorities and expansion of the opportunities of territorial development.

Works for construction, reconstruction and maintenance of motor roads are assigned to hyakimliks of velayats and Ashgabat.It was highlighted that road management has to develop accordingly with other branches of the capital and regions taking into account geographic, natural and climate conditions.

Re-organization will allow using material and technical resources allocated for road construction more rationally and efficiently.Road Construction and Operation Department is established under the Ministry of Construction and Energy.

It would define the policy of the state in this field, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.The President of Turkmenistan signed relative documents, which were sent to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system.

Having noted the importance of timely actual measures for solution of set objectives, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P.

Agamyradov reported on the work on the Programmed of development of science and education, health protection and sports in 2019 2025, which would outline the main ways of solution of strategic objectives proposed by Turkmen leader for these spheres for bringing of them to advanced level.

The Vice-premier also reported on the measures for improvement of activity of research institutes of the Academy of Sciences under the assignment of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for further enforcement of the role of academic science in innovative development of the economy of the country taking into account its transit to market relations and active integration to the world economy.

In this aspect, special attention has to be paid to cooperation of science, universities and production sphere, which is aimed at use of scientifically based technologies, to implementation of new forms of organization of educational process, attraction of youth to research study, consolidation of academic and educational capabilities for better efficiency of national economy.

It will allow scientific organizations using labour, financial and material resources more rational in market conditions, diversifying research, project, engineering and technological works.Relevant proposals aimed at the improvement of the input of scientific developments to education process and production were presented to the Head of the State.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to speed up the reforms in scientific and educational, treatment and preventive spheres.Educational and health protection systems have modern equipment and facility bases, which are supplemented with new facilities every year new medical centres, institutes, schools and sport complexes, Turkmen leader said, having informed about the decision to perform structural changes for improvement of efficiency of work of scientific organizations.

Hence, Magtumguly Institute of Language and Literature and National Institute of Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have to be merged and Magtumguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan has to be established on their base.

The Institute of History and the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have to be merged on the same basis and the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan has to be founded on their base.

The Institute of Livestock Farming and Veterinary of the Academy of Sciences has to be transferred to the jurisdiction of S.A.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University, which trains qualified specialists and makes scientific and research studies in combination with production.

The Head of the State noted the appropriateness to separate the Institute of Biology and Medical Plants of the Academy of Sciences and to found the Institute of General and Applied Biology under Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University and the Institute of Medical Plants under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry.

The Institute of Solar Energy of the Academy of Sciences has to be transferred to the State Energy Institute, which also study renewable sources of energy.It will help to make material and technical conditions for modern scientific studies related to the production of alternative sources of electrical energy.

The President of Turkmenistan signed the documents on approval of given proposals, which were immediately sent to the Vice-premier by the system of electronic document management.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.

Gylyjov reported on the preparation of the draft Programme of development of trade system in 2019 2025, which provides the complex of measures for improvement of efficiency of activity of trade facilities, infrastructure of consumer market, stimulation of local production, optimum combination of export and import, enhancement of investment climate and support of small and medium business.

According to the orders of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed to further social and economic development of the country and growth of wealth of the population, the Draft Programme includes the objectives for provision of availability and stability of prices for goods, expansion and modernization of trade networks in Ashgabat and velayats by construction of new, reconstruction and rearmament of existing shopping facilities.

It is also planned to increase the role of private sector in total trade turnover, to spread electronic trade and to increase the share of trade in the formation of the GDP of Turkmenistan in general.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State informed about the decision to transfer the Institute of Study of Turnover of National Production to the authority of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations.

Having signed relative document, which was immediately sent to the Vice-premier by the electronic document management system, the Head of the State noted that optimization of trade structures would supports more efficient activity, consolidation of profile specialists in solution of current objectives.

Other important subjects, on which relevant decisions were made, have been reviewed at video conference session.Finishing video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished great success to the members of the Government.

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