27.03.2018 | Turkmenistan and Iran enter new level of cooperation

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani arrived in Turkmenistan on the official visit.The Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran was met by the officials at Ashgabat International Airport decorated with the State Flags of both countries.

The Guard of Honour was lined up along the carpet running from the ramp.According to good tradition, boys and girls wearing national dress met Iranian Leader with bread and salt and presented the flowers.

From the airport, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran went to the residence, which was allocated in the capital fashionable hotel “Oguzkent” In the morning, the high-rank guest escorted by the motorcycle cortege went to the Square of Independence located in the heart of Ashgabat where he was cordially welcomed by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Having shaking hands, the Leaders of two countries went to the special podium.The official meeting ceremony took place on the square.The official meeting ceremony started with the report of the commander of the Guard of Honour.

National Anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkmenistan was played.Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Hassan Rouhani went along the line of the soldiers.Turkmen leader introduced the members of Turkmenistan official delegation to his Iranian colleague.

The President of the IRI also met with the heads of diplomatic corps accredited in our country.In his turn, the Head of neighbouring state introduced the members of the Iranian Government delegation to the President of Turkmenistan.

In the end of the ceremony, the soldiers of the Guard of Honour marched along the Square of Independence.After, the Leaders of two countries went to the Ruhyet Palace where after the ceremony of joint photographing on the background of the State Flags of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, high-level Turkmen Iranian talks took place in narrow format.

Warmly greeting President Hassan Rouhani on Turkmen land and having expressed the gratitude for accepted invitation to visit Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted high level and constructive character of the interstate dialog.

Having expressed the confidence that this high-level meeting would give strong impulse to further expansion of fruitful Turkmen Iranian cooperation, the President of Turkmenistan also noted that our countries successfully develop the partnership both in bilateral and multilateral formats under competent international organizations and structures rendering mutual support to each other.

Turkmenistan and Iran demonstrate proximity of views concerning priority regional and global range of problems where the objectives for provision of peace, security and stability, consolidated activities against the threats and challenges of the modern world gain special importance.

Both states stand for the consolidation of positive cooperation in Caspian Sea and for the improvement of its status as the sea of peace, friendship and harmony.Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also spoke for the continuation of the practice of regular consultations between foreign departments of two countries.

Having highlighted the presence of considerable potential for the intensification of Turkmen Iranian cooperation in all directions like in economy, trade and humanitarian sphere including in education, science and culture, sports and tourism, the Head of the State expressed sincere gratitude to high-rank guest for his large persona contribution to the development of the interstate relations.

Having expressed the gratitude to his Turkmen colleagues for the invitation to pay official visit to Turkmenistan and for cordial hospitality, President Hassan Rouhani noted that he is glad to visit Ashgabat in the period of Nowruz celebration.

Having addressed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen people with warm congratulations and best wished on occasion this beautiful spring holiday, high-rank guest highlighted that historical and cultural similarity connecting our countries serves as a solid base for the development of the interstate dialog.

Having confirmed invariable commitment of Iran to traditionally friendly relations with Turkmenistan, President Hassan Rouhani noted that today, wide opportunities for the activation of Turkmen Iranian relations are opening in all spectrum.

In particular, there are good perspectives for the cooperation in transport sphere where the Sides have already accomplished joint project of construction of transnational railroad.Successfully cooperating in international format, the Sides demonstrate the proximity of the approaches to number of key regional and global issues.

Having expressed the confidence that current meeting in Ashgabat would give new stimulus and content to the interstate relations, the Head of the IRI addressed the wishes of prosperity and success to fraternal people of Turkmenistan.

Continuing the talks, the leaders of two countries discussed wide range of the objectives of Turkmen Iranian cooperation and specified its priority directions in the context of the implementation of the achieved agreements.

Having spoken for the increment and diversification of beneficial trade and economic relations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Hassan Rouhani also noted the importance of the stimulation of cultural and humanitarian subjects, which are an integral part of the interstate dialog.

During the meeting, the Sides exchanged the visions of number of topical issues of regional and global agenda that present mutual interest, having confirmed the willingness to further constructive cooperation in international arena.

President Hassan Rouhani invited President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to pay official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran.The invitation was accepted with the gratitude.The time of the visit is to be coordinated through diplomatic channels.

After, the negotiations were continued in extended format with the participation of the members of official delegations of two countries.Addressing his Iranian colleagues and the members of the delegation of the IRI, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again expressed the gratitude to President Hassan Rouhani for the accepted invitation to come to Turkmenistan on official visit.

Having noted that current high-level meeting opens new page in the history of fraternal Turkmen Iranian relations, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that its outcomes would bring bilateral relations to new level.

Continuing the subject, Turkmen leader stated with the delight the proximity of the visions of both countries on topical international and regional issues.Meeting national, regional and global interests, these activities are targeted toward the provision of the prosperity of two states and nations.

Turkmenistan and Iran successfully cooperate under competent international organizations, first of all with the UN.Iranian side always supports neutral foreign course and constructive initiatives of our country.

In its turn, Turkmenistan pays due respect to important role of Iran in international and regional politics and supports its positive proposals.Trade and economic cooperation as well as the volume of foreign trade turnover reached in 2007 are important component of the interstate relations and indicates huge opportunities for the expansion of productive partnership in this sphere.

The sides have common visions on the subjects of sharing practices and realization of specific projects in priority branches of the economy what also allows increasing the volumes of trade turnover.

It is remarkable here that Turkmenistan takes actual measures for considerable expansion of favourable conditions for foreign investments and entrepreneurship and trade and economic cooperation in general.This opens great perspectives for further activation of Turkmen Iranian collaboration.

Having entered the way of the industrialization and efficient introduction of advanced technologies into production, Turkmenistan comprehensively implements modern practices.Formation of new powerful productions and enterprises in Turkmenistan is the result of such economic, scientific and technical progress.

In this context, Turkmenistan is willing to increase the cooperation with Iranian entrepreneurs in the export of its production to the world and regional markets.As is known, our countries have one of the biggest oil and gas reserves on the planet and are the biggest producers in the world.

It stipulates fruitful Turkmen Iranian cooperation in such topical direction as the provision of global energy security.Taking initiative position in solution of this important objective, Turkmenistan takes specific measures in this direction on national and regional levels.

Taking into account close relations between energy and general security, our country is the supporter of unobstructed and stable supplies of the energy carriers to the world markets meeting relative multilateral international legal act of the United Nations.

In this aspect, Turkmen side is interested in the enhancement of the cooperation in energy sector and in filling of it with new content.Turkmenistan and Iran implement productive partnership in other important branches, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Successful cooperation in transport and transit sphere can be perfect example here.Entirely meeting the goals of sustainable development, Turkmen Iranian cooperation in this field is dictated by national and regional interests.

There is the construction of transnational railroad Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Iran in the North South direction among number of big international projects.Making positive effect on transport communication in entire Eurasian space, the above-mentioned railway opens the entry to trade and material markets of the Middle and Near East as well as Indian Ocean states from the ports in Baltic Sea.

Concerning the cooperation of Turkmenistan and Iran in Caspian Sea, it is necessary to make special mention that both states are the supporters of turning ancient Hazar Sea into the sea of harmony, good neighbourhood and fruitful international cooperation.

Our countries are active members of negotiation process for the definition of the legal status of Caspian Sea.Initiatives.Firm legal framework regulating the activity of five coastal states in various spheres on Caspian Sea has been formed up by the initiatives of Turkmen and Iranian sides.

According to the proposals of Turkmenistan and Iran, new forms and mechanisms of multilateral cooperation are made in wide spectrum of directions.At present, our country accomplishes the project of construction of Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

It will allow expanding maritime communication with Iranian ports Enzeli and Nekka and increasing the volumes of international multimodal cargo transportation via Bander-Abbas Port in Persian Gulf.It is obvious that favourable geographic location of Turkmenistan and Iran opens new opportunities for the implementation of joint projects in this field.

At the same time, there are all capabilities for the increment of cargo traffic flow through Turkmen and Iranian frontier points.Concerning the role of bilateral Interstate Committee as important mechanism of trade and economic cooperation, the expansion of its activity will support the creation of the most favourable conditions for the collaboration in energy, transport and communication spheres, heavy engineering, light industry, agriculture and processing industry.

Primordial traditions of good neighbourhood followed from the similarity of spiritual and cultural values and playing an important role in the development of interstate relations are the one of solid foundations of Turkmen Iranian dialog.

The borders of such relations are outlined not only by geographically but also by common roots going deep to the centuries.Joint cultural and scientific forums provide the conditions for spiritual enrichment of our nations.

Big experience for the organization of events dedicated to artistic heritage of famous historical personalities lie scientists and poets has been generated in this field.In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the confidence that fraternal Turkmen Iranian relations would continue successfully developing for the sake of common prosperity and wealth.

The floor was given to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Having expressed cordial gratitude again to Turkmen leader for welcoming reception on hospital Turkmen land, the Head of friendly state highlighted that at present time, Turkmen Iranian dialog that takes its origin deep in the centuries is actively developed.

The history indicates that cultural and economic relations have existed between our neighbouring nations from the old times.Today, the main objective of the Sides is to consolidate and expand traditional cooperation taking into account existing conditions and capabilities.

In this context, the efficiency of the talks discussing key objectives of bilateral partnership pleases, President Hassan Rouhani highlighted.Having pointed out the cooperation in fuel and energy sector and its perspectives as a subject of special importance, high-rank guest stated the fact that today, the third line of the electrical energy supply from Turkmenistan to Iran is opening.

This is another evidence of the activation of the cooperation between two countries in energy sphere, Iranian leader said.Speaking of the community of the opinions on the issues related to the Caspian, President Hassan Rouhani made special mention of the big perspectives of the partnership in oil and gas industry in this region what meets the interests of economic development of both states.

High ranking guest also highlighted the presence of colossal capabilities for bilateral cooperation in transport sphere.In this regard, the confidence in the achievement of the agreements that would serve to the expansion of cooperation in this field has been expressed.

I was mentioned that today, the Sides exchanged the views on related issues and successful solution of set objectives.All of these will support further development of Turkmen Iranian trade and economic partnership.

President Hassan Rouhani spoke in support of the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the expansion of cooperation between neighbouring regions of Turkmenistan and Iran what would undoubtedly benefits to both sides.

The Head of IRI also noted that all measures for the activation of work of joint Interstate Committee for Economic Cooperation are to be taken.In addition, high-rank guest highlighted that the ideas of Turkmen leaders about the intensification of fruitful bilateral contacts in cultural and humanitarian sphere including in science and education, arrangement of the exchange of practice in outlined directions have big future and that Iranian side is very interested in its practical implementation.

At the end of the extended talks, the documents signing ceremony took place with the participation of the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Iran.Joint Statement between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran was adopted by the outcomes of the official visit of the President of the IRI to our country.

After the documents signing ceremony, the Leaders of two countries made statement to the representatives of mass media.Commenting on the outcomes of the high-level meeting, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted fruitful character of current negotiations, which resulted in important agreements in cooperation in political, trade, economic and humanitarian spheres.

Giving high appraisal to the results of the visit of the President of the IRI, Turkmen leader confirmed with delight that bilateral partnership planned for long-term perspective received strong impulse.

Concerning the interstate political dialog where the Sides demonstrate the proximity or similarity of the visions of topical international issues, the provision of peace and prosperity in regional and global scales are the main objective of Turkmenistan and Iran cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

The agreement on continuation of the cooperation of two countries under competent international organizations including the United Nations, the Islamic Cooperation Organization and other structures has been achieved.Speaking of this, the Head of the State expressed the gratitude to Iran for the support of Turkmenistan positions in the world arena.

As is known, our country proposed number of specific initiatives in energy security sphere and in the formation of transit and transport corridors.In this context, the Leader of the Nation informed that foreign departments of both countries received the instructions on conduct of regular consultations.

The agenda of the talks included the subjects of cooperation in trade and economic sphere taking into account the necessity of the diversification of the economy in energy sector especially in oil and gas complex as well as in such fields as transport and tellecomunications, agriculture, construction and others.

In this aspect, the contacts between the representatives of small and medium business are very important.Addressing the press, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the volume of mutual trade turnover has exceeded 1,000,000,000 US dollars in 2017.

As for today, more than 150 Iranian companies work in Turkmenistan.At the same time, the Head of the State focused on the cooperation in the formation of transit and transport corridors where transcontinental railroad Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Iran, which is used not only by our but other states as well, is a visual example of successful consolidation of efforts.

With regards to cooperation in energy sphere and hydrocarbon materials processing, the Sides agreed to work in this direction.Having focused on the subject of cooperation in Caspian Sea, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our countries are the supporters to make it the sea of peace and harmony.

Coastal states actively cooperate in this sphere and this work will be continued especially in ecology, biosphere and other directions.Interesting discussion of number of projects on this subject took place during the meeting and relative agreements were achieved.

Having emphasized the subject of trade and economic cooperation and increasing trade turnover, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that this import objectives are to be discussed between intergovernmental structures.

The Head of the State highlighted that having advantageous geographic location, Turkmenistan and Iran try to use the existing capabilities for the sake of their nations as well as the nations of other countries in the region.

Besides, the issues concerning the activities against modern challenges and threats such as terrorism, extremism, illegal drug trafficking and transboundary crime have been reviewed during the negotiations.Great importance is given to the cooperation in cultural, scientific and education, health protection, tourism and sport spheres.

Having noted that number of documents on cooperation in different spheres has been signed by the outcomes of the talks, the Leader of the Nation expressed the confidence that it would serve for the sake of our people.

Taking the opportunity, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov again expressed sincere gratitude to President Hassan Rouhani for his personal contribution to the development of interstate partnership and addressed him and all Iranian people with the best wishes.

In his turn, speaking of the outcomes of high-level talks that fell on Nowruz celebration, the Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran noted the constructive character of the talks in Ashgabat, during which wide spectrum of the objectives of cooperation in different spheres has been discussed.

Iranian and Turkmen nations are united by common history, culture, religion as well as old traditions of neighbourhood, trade, economic and humanitarian relations.At present time, the Sides are willing to involve existing mutual potential for further development of efficient partnership including in energy, transit and transport sectors.

There are big opportunities stipulated by advantageous geographic location o Turkemnistan and Iran, President Hassan Rouhani noted.In this context, the decision on opening the bridge in Serakhs in order to give new impulse to the cooperation in this field has been taken.

Regarding interstate and intergovernmental spheres of cooperation, many agreements have been reached in this area, high-rank guest said.Our countries have considerable potential for the increment of the volumes of bilateral trade turnover, wide perspectives for cooperation in engineering and technical services, transit of energy, industrial sphere and activation of investment activity.

It was informed that the decision of opening of new road between Mary and Serakhs has been made.The Sides agreed on participation of Iranian companies in joint projects of road construction.

Having touched upon the subject of cooperation in Caspian Sea, the President of the IRI stated the presence of big opportunities for the development of Turkmen Iranian trade and economic partnership, which are necessary to be realized with maximum output.

Important agreements on humanitarian cooperation including in scientific research and cultural spheres as well as in technology field were important results of the talks.Nowruz celebration supporting the consolidation of Turkmen Iranian relations in this direction is one of the most remarkable cultural events for friendly people of both countries.

High ranking guest noted that the Sides are also committed to close cooperation in international arena, to consolidation of the effort for the provision of peace, security and fruitful partnership in the region.

In the end, having expressed the confidence that current negotiations would bring the results in the nearest future, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran addressed Turkmen colleague with sincere gratitude of the hospitality and permanent attention to the subjects of interstate relations.

In the evening, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave official dinner in honour of high-rank guest.The official visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkmenistan is continued.

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