26.12.2017 | The President of Turkmenistan addresses the greetings to the participants of the conference timed to the 10th anniversary of the Institute of State and Law

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the participants of scientific an practical conference timed to the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of State and Law under the President of Turkmenistan as well as on coming New Year.

Following the principles of the statehood, supremacy of law and national democracy, our country builds the relations between the state, society and people, develops civic society.The relations regulated by the legislation and makes everyone to be accountable for the adherence to the law.

Therefore, it is the main principle of creativeness of Turkmenistan that declared a human being as the highest value of the state and society, - Presidential message says.The Institute of State and Law under the President of Turkmenistan was founded on 26 December 2007.

For all these years, the Institute working on the improvement of national legislation and legal system in accordance with international standards makes considerable contribution to the monitoring of the realization of international obligations on human rights and international humanitarian law by Turkmenistan.

This activity is carried out together with the Mejlis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice and other government agencies.The Institute takes active part in preparation of scientific summaries on presented drafts bills, manuals, training aids and scientific works.

The specialists of the Institute appear in newspapers and magazines with scientific and practical articles, popularize humanitarian home and foreign policy of our neutral state on TV and radio.

Being full member of the United Nations, our state joined the main international conventions, agreements and treaties on human rights.Strictly following its obligations, Turkmenistan steadily introduces universal standards of international law in national legislation, - the message highlights.

In this context, the issues of study of the principles of statehood, world outlook, human rights, moral and legal aspects of improvement of social relations.National Action Plan on Human Rights for 2016 2020 and the State Programme of the development of social and humanitarian studies in Turkmenistan contains priority vectors of the improvement of activity of government agencies and non-governmental organizations for provision of human rights and freedoms of human, introduction of international law standards into the legislation of the country and implementation of law enforcement practice.

As the result of harmonic combination of the main directions of social and economic development of Turkmenistan with the programme of the UN sustainable development and provision of human rights, our country has all opportunities for physical, spiritual and moral development of every citizen.

Declaration of December 12 as International Neutrality Day by the UN became universal recognition of neutrality role in support of the sustainable development on the planet.Creative character of Turkmenistan neutrality and its fundamental principle were precisely reflected in versatile diplomacy of our state.

I am confident that scientific and practical conference “Development of Statehood, legal system and democracy in neutral Turkmenistan” will support the popularization of peace-loving and humanitarian policy of our neutral independent state, - the Presidential message says.

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