In accordance with the Decrees of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: Geldyniyazov Mammetmyrat was appointed as the Minister of Education of Turkmenistan; Gulgeldiev Dayan Yaranovich was appointed as the Minister of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan; Sylapov Muhammetseyit Babaevich was appointed as the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population, the Chairman of the Pension Fund of Turkmenistan; Selimov Soyechnazar Nurnazarovich was appointed the Minister of Construction and Architecture of Turkmenistan; Enermyradov Ovezmyrat Islamovich was appointed as the Minister of Agriculture and Water Industry of Turkmenistan; Atamyradov Azat Silapovich was appointed as the Minister of Railway Transport of Turkmenistan; Kakabaev Merdan Maksatovich was appointed as the Chairman of the Turkmenstandartlary Main State Service.