20.09.2019 | Topical issues of home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan are discussed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where important issues of the state life have been discussed and number of documents have been adopted.

Having announced the agenda, the President gave floor for report to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G.Myradov who reported on work in the sphere under his supervision and measures for further improvement of activity of banking and financial sphere.Information about fulfilment of assignments on strengthening of role of private sector, stimulation and support of entrepreneurs, development of small and medium business has been presented.

Activities for improvement of competiveness of national economy, legal regulation of leasing relations were separate subjects of the report.In this context, the Vice-premier reported on the development of draft project of the Regulations on transfer of the state property to leasing, which has been prepared according to the provisions of the Law of Turkmenistan on Leasing.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to hold under permanent control the timeline of fulfilment of planned indicators by the ministries and profile departments.

Taking of efficient measures for rapid transit to digital economy and improvement of investment activity were outlined as priority objectives of the structures reporting to the Vice-premier.The Head of Turkmenistan has also outlined continuation of work for expansion of the list of electronic banking services and wide implementation of innovative technologies among urgent directions.

Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas Ya.Kakayev reported on number of projects in fuel and energy sector of the country as well as on the results of work of foreign partners for eight months of the year and measures for activation of international cooperation in this sphere.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that being recognized energy power, Turkmenistan steadily implements its energy strategy, which focuses on increment of production and export of gas, diversification of its supply to the world market where stable tendency of the demand growth on energy carriers is observed.

At the same time, great attention is paid to the increment of petrochemical production including by opening of new facilities specialized in deep processing of hydrocarbon materials.Having focused on the implementation of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of the country until 2030, the Head of the State ordered to activate works for exploration and development of perspective fields of Turkmen offshore and coastal zone of Caspian Sea.

It was noted that this region has huge energy potential, which opens wide opportunities for fruitful cooperation with business circles of the world.The President of Turkmenistan gave number of orders regarding further improvement of investment policy aimed at strengthening of beneficial partnership with leading foreign companies having advanced practice and innovative technologies, which are able to provide efficient development of oil and gas deposits.

At the same time, it was highlighted that projects in energy sphere have to meet all requirements of ecological safety.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.

Purchekov reported to the Head of the State on work for reduction of seismic risks in seismic zones of the country as well as on construction of new building of Scientific and Research Institute of Seismic Construction of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

The Vice-premier reported that according to the Programme of reduction of seismic risks in seismic zones of Turkmenistan, the Scientific and Research Institute of Seismic Construction together with the Institute of Seismology and Physics of Atmosphere of the Academy of Sciences carry out work for reduction of seismic risks, determination of stability of buildings and facilities as well as monitor the construction in seismic zones.

The Vice-premier presented the drawings of location and model of new administrative building of Scientific and Research Institute of Seismologic Construction to the Head of the State for review.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of responsible approach to the management of natural disasters.Having checked the project of new building of Scientific and Research Institute of Seismic Construction, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested to elaborate on this.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Chakiyev reported on work for further improvement of the facilities under Türkmensenagat Agency as well as on the opening of Maritime Training Centre.

The Vice-premier informed that analysis of the structure of Türkmensenagat Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan has been made for modernization of industrial sphere according to the conditions of transit to marketing economy and attraction of foreign investments.

In particular, open joint stock ventures with sharing participation of number of structures are planned to be founded under the Agency.Information about the activity for opening of the Maritime Training Centre provided with modern equipment and simulators for re-training of maritime specialists on the base of Turkmenbashy secondary professional maritime school of Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on integrated modernization of equipment and facility base of industrial sphere, having outlined number of current objectives, which are to provide stable development of the country, to protect and to improve tendencies of stable growth of national economy and to strengthen its competiveness.

The Head of the State noted that formation of ramified transport infrastructure, as the main factor of economic and social development of Turkmenistan is one of priority vectors of the state policy.

Major projects including for improvement of equipment and facility base of maritime fleet have been successfully implemented in this sphere.Continue the subject, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of development of cooperation in Caspian region, conducting maritime scientific studies, successful solution of set objectives including for improvement of qualification of seamen and opening the Maritime Training Centre, having addressed the Vice-premier with relative assignments in this regard.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.Gylyjov reported on work for development of tourism in the country based on marketing relations and fulfilment of assignments for efficient implementation of the capabilities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs to this industry.

It was reported that as for today, tourist facilities in Ashgabat and velayats have been privatized in set order and tourist company, which is supervised by the UIET, has been founded.

Functions of new structure include development of proposals for improvement of national tourist industry, organization of different events in this sphere, study.Digitization of the branch covering all range of services is provided as one of targeted measures in this direction.

It will make tourism business to be more flexible and adopted to the realities of modern day and competitive in digital world.new tourist facility plans to enter into contract with profile foreign companies and to open number of representative offices in foreign countries.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov drew the attention of the Vice-premier on the issues of further development of tourism infrastructure, stimulation of small and medium business in this sphere, making of conditions for attraction of bigger number of foreign tourists and bringing of the industry of hospitality and travels to the rank of high-profit branches in the economy of the country.

Active involvement of business will support the growth of export of tourist services while development of management system and digitization of this sphere will give powerful impulse for diversification, having provided wide access of international community to the information about all tourist facilities and routes of our country, the President summed up.

The President also gave instructions for using of new organizational tools and intellectual systems on trade complex, formation of digital channels of national production to foreign markets for more efficient involvement of our export capabilities and improvement of investment attractiveness of the country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P.Agamyradov reported on modernization of some facilities of health protection system, in particular International Diagnostic Centre, International Centre of Internal Diseases and International Ene Myahri Centre due to the necessity of their renovation and expansion of spectrum of medical services by the implementation of the most modern technologies and equipment.

Tender on procurement of relative units and medicine from producers and their official representatives as well as tender for provision of technical works in these centres has been announced for this purpose.

Information about practical results of VII Turkmen German Health Protection Forum in Ashgabat this month has been presented to the Head of the State.Regular meetings of Turkmen and German colleagues, which are held in both countries, outline current themes and directions of cooperation, joint research and training projects, which support the introduction of latest technologies and equipment, training of scientific personnel and qualified specialists.

Development of digital medicine and application of high technologies in health protection of Turkmenistan was one of the main themes of the forum this year.The objectives in this field and integrated measures for their solution are outlined in the Strategy of development of digital system of health protection in 2019 2025, which provides the provision of medical facilities with fibre optic communication and necessary equipment, computers and information technologies.

Having listened to the report, the President noted the importance of permanent improvement of health protection system according to the latest achievements of medical science, advanced development in the sphere of medical equipment.

Actively developing international cooperation of Turkmenistan in health protection sphere is versatile sphere of activity, which occupies significant place in our home and foreign policy, the Head of the State said.

In this context, the President noted that traditional Turkmen German Forum for health protection confirmed the importance of expansion of active contacts between scientific and business circles of both countries.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Abdiyeva reported on work of the sphere under her supervision and measures for high level of organization of events on occasion of Turkmenistan Independence Day.

At present time, cultural meetings, conferences, exhibitions, concerts are held in in cities and towns of the country.Preparation of parade and other activities, which are planned on occasion of remarkable date, is carried out.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide high level of all celebration events, each of which has to be significant, substantial and to meet national traditions of celebration.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.Orazgeldiyev reported on the course of reforms in agriculture and seasonal campaigns in the regions.Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of large-scale reforms in agrarian sector, which are aimed at the provision of food abundance in the country, expansion of export capabilities of national economy as well as integrated development of the regions.

The Head of the State gave number of specific assignments to the Vice-premier on further active transit to market relations, implementation of new forms of management in agriculture, comprehensive support of entrepreneurship.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to hold under permanent control all issues of cotton harvest campaign.The sowing of winter crops is also an important exam for national farmers, the President of Turkmenistan said, having addressed the Vice-premier with specific assignments othis account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R.Meredov reported on the activity of the Ministry and on the measures for development of international information activity of Turkmenistan, expansion of fruitful cooperation with world leading mass media.

It was mentioned that targeted work is carried out with foreign departments and profile specialized structures of different countries, which resulted in development of specific proposals on priority directions of partnership.

Measures for improvement of legal contractual framework of cooperation between national and foreign mass media are taken for fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State.Work for activation of informational exchanges, establishment of contacts with mass media of neighbouring states and other countries of the region is continued.

Measures for increment of number of foreign mass media in Turkmenistan are taken.At the same time, measures for expansion of geography of activity of national mass media are taken.

Big importance is paid to active use of modern information and communication technologies and internet resources in improvement of activity of national mass media.In this regard, the appropriateness of opening of International Information Centre where involvement of advanced achievements in this sphere is provided, has been noted.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, Head of Foreign Ministry reported on the project of new edition of National Strategy of Turkmenistan for climate change, which was presented for review to the Head of the State.

In this context, it was noted that cooperation with the United Nations Organization and its specialized structures is one of priority vectors of foreign course of our country.ecological sphere is among important aspects of this partnership, which is built on systematic base.

Development of this document has international significance including in the context of coming Climate Summit under the UN aegis in New York on September 23.Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted the necessity of continuation of steadfast work for further integration of Turkmenistan to international informational space, strengthening and intensification of fruitful cooperation with international mass media.

Speaking of the draft of new edition of National strategy for climate change and having approved it in general, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of realization of actual measures for explanation of the importance of its document, which is aimed at provision of ecological prosperity as an integral condition of stable development, to the population.

Being an active participant of international dialog in such exclusively important sphere as ecology, our country stands for expansion and intensification of constructive cooperation in the UN format and other competent organizations and structures, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued.

Taking initiative position in the subjects of climate change, environment protection, rational use of natural resources and provision of global ecological security, Turkmenistan demonstrates responsible approach to development of optimum solutions and fulfilment of undertaken obligations, the President noted.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State gave assignments for promotion of ecological initiatives of Turkmenistan in international arena and strengthening of efficient cooperation with foreign partners to the Vice-premier, Head of Foreign Ministry.

Speaker of the Mejlis G.Mammedova informed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the activity of National Parliament for modernization of legal and regulatory framework of the country and preparation t the session of the People’s Council.

Deputy corps continues working on development of legal documents aimed at further successful realization of the government political course, programmes of social, economic and cultural development of the country.

Draft documents on the agenda of next session of the People’s Council have been developed together with the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and relative profile departments.Having highlighted that legal support is an efficient tool in solution of social and economic objectives of the State, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called deputies to continue directing their activity to improvement of wealth of Turkmenistan citizens and assertion of democratic principles in the society.

The Head of the State highlighted the importance of comprehensive expansion and intensification of the partnership in different directions of international cooperation.The President has focused on the important objectives of the People’s Council on high organizational level.

Addressing Vice-premier R.Meredov, the Head of the State noted that it is 25th anniversary of neutral and legal status of Turkmenistan.It is necessary to organize international conference dedicated to this remarkable event as well as speeches of our ambassadors to foreign countries, in the UN and other international structures, the Head of the State said.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered B.Abdiyeva and other Vice-premiers to develop the events on occasion of anniversary including round table sessions, conferences, meetings, music festivals as well as to prepare the order of award of the citizens with state awards.

All mass media of the country have to popularize the main principles of our neutral foreign course peace-loving, prosperity, development of friendly and trade relations with the states of the world, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted.

Chairman of the Central Bank M.Annadurdiyev and R.Meredov were ordered to develop the samples of anniversary medal dedicated to the celebration of 25th anniversary of neutrality.

Another remarkable event is coming soon.We widely celebrate the 30th anniversary of our independence in 2021.Therefore, we have to start preparation to this remarkable event now, the President of Turkmenistan said addressing the members of the Government.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered M.Annadurdiyev and Chairperson of the Mejlis G.Mammedova to develop anniversary medals on occasion of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan.

It will be awarded to the most deserved people, the Head of the State noted, having specified that certain events on occasion of this celebration would be discussed further.

Being a member of the United Nations, Turkmenistan strictly follows undertaken obligations, the President said, having announced that following good tradition, the Order on issuing of the citizenship of Turkmenistan to 863 people, who lost the citizenship by fortune, would be signed at the session.

Therefore, we provide help and support to these people according to the Constitution of the country and different UN conventions on refugees and human rights, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

In this context, the Head of the State order the Vice-premier, Foreign Minister R.Meredov and Secretary of the State Security Council Ya.Berdiyev to provide passport to people who received citizenship within one month.

The hyakims of the velayats were ordered to organize handover of the passports to new citizens of the country and to provide assistance with employment and finding accommodations if it is necessary.

This is another evidence of humanity of our policy, the President noted, having signed the Order and sent it to R.Meredov by electronic document management system.Other issues, on which relative decisions were made, have been discussed at the session of the Government.

Finishing the video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State wished big success in work to the participants.

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