17.10.2019 | Asian Pacific Region strategic vector of foreign policy of Turkmenistan

Development of multidimensional cooperation with the stats of Asian Pacific region is one of the key foreign vectors of neutral Turkmenistan.In the last few years, traditional friendly dialog with Asian Pacific states including with countries of Eastern and Southeast Asia, which enter leading positions in the world by economic indicators, received new impulse and content.

Course of Turkmenistan toward fundamental reformation of national economy, its industrialization and digitization, major projects of regional and international significance initiated by the Leader of the Nation open big perspectives for activation of beneficial relations in different directions.

It provides growing interest of partners from Asian Pacific region in intensification of productive cooperation with our country on the principles of long-term commitment.First state visit of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Singapore in August this year is one of certain examples.

It is worth mentioning that joint business forum and exhibition of Turkmen export goods as well as meetings between the members of Government delegations of two states were timed to this visit.

In general, the forum supported the definition of directions and current vectors of Turkmen Singapore cooperation in trade and economic sphere.Agreements achieved by results of the forum were set forth in signed documents, which visually indicate the commitment of the sides to efficient partnership.

It is remarkable that before high-level bilateral talks, the Head of Turkmenistan had a meeting with representatives of business of Singapore, having made a speech dedicated toe economic and resource potential of the country and existing opportunities for establishment of business contacts.

During the meeting, which was held in trustful atmosphere in the format of working breakfast widely accepted in the world, the sides shared the opinons on perspectives of cooperation in fuel and energy sphere, petrochemical industry as well as in such fields as transport and logistics, sea port management, urban construction, agriculture, investment activity and in other important areas.

Representatives of Singapore companies and corporations, which include world leaders in production of high technology scientific based production, presented their proposals on cooperation.In the end of the meeting, the confidence that productive Turkmen Singapore relations would be improved and developed.

Outcomes of talks between President of Turkmenistan and President of the Republic of Singapore Halima Yakob and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was a visual evidence of mutual commitment of the sides to long term partnership on systematic basis.

The agenda of high-level meeting included wide spectrum of subjects of Turkmen Singapore collaboration and its priority directions have been specified taking into account modern realities and opening new opportunities.

The content of interstate cooperation seems to be very rich where big impotence is paid to cultural and humanitarian relations together with trade and economic component.Having expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for comprehensive presentation of Turkmenistan’s potential, substantial and detailed analysis of perspectives of the partnership, the Heads of Singapore expressed support of all initiatives of the Head of Turkmen State.

At the same time, the willingness of Singapore to establish close beneficial business relations, participation in implementation of joint projects has been confirmed.Outlining development of relations with Asian Pacific region as a strategic vector of its foreign political and economic course, Turkmenistan also pays big importance to improvement of fruitful cooperation with the Republic f Korea, which is an old and reliable partner of our country.

Turkmen Korean cooperation has a steadfast character, which is supported by systematic political dialog on highest and high levels.It allows building confidently bilateral relations, determining its key directions and forming up future plans.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that there are all opportunities for further expansion of interstate partnership, diversification of business relations, stimulation of investment activity, implementation of new joint projects including in industrial sector.

State visit of President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in to Turkmenistan in April this year has written new chapter in modern history of Turkmen Korean relations.

discussion of cooperation in trade and economic sphere took an important place during high-level talks in Ashgabat.Old work of leading Korean companies in different sectors of Turkmen economy, their participation in big infrastructural projects, especially in petrochemical and gas processing industries are the indicators of successful consolidation of efforts in this case.

Construction of gas treatment facility at Galkynysh Deposit, units for production of gasoline at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex as well as polymeric plant in Kiyanly are examples of these projects.

Cooperation in transport sphere where Turkmenistan initiated the formation of multimodal transit and transport corridors in the North- South and East - West directions as well as integrated logistic infrastructure also seems to be perspective.

Industrial sector, in particular electronic and textile industries, is an actual direction of Turkmen Korean partnership.There are also good prepositions for continuation of cooperation in procurement of motor equipment from the Republic of Korea.

By the way, significant part of public transport of Turkmenistan is represented by vehicles of Korean make.Traditional humanitarian relations, which form solid base of steadfast intensification of cooperation in such spheres as education and training of personnel, science, culture, sports and tourism, are an integral part of interstate relations.

Turkmenistan respects Korean language and ancient original culture of Korean nation.As is known, Dovletmammed Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages has a department teaching specialists in Korean language and literature.

The decision on opening of the Centre of Korean Language and Culture of the Fund of the Institute of the King Sejong on the basis of the above-mentioned institute has been made for development of this direction.

During the Ashgabat high-level meeting, the sides agreed to review the measures for expansion of trade, activation of investment policy for entering joint major projects in energy, industrial cooperation, transport and communications and other directions.

Intergovernmental Turkmen Korean commission and contacts between business structures are to play an important role in solution of these objectives.Number of documents, which supplemented and improved legal and regulatory framework of Turkmen Korean partnership, has been signed by theoutcomes of the talks.

It is remarkable that during state visit of President Moon Jae-in to Ashgabat, around two dozens of bilateral documents for cooperation in different spheres have been signed.Relations between Turkmenistan and Japan, which rests on invariable mutual goodwill, are bright example of equal beneficial partnership aimed at specific results in the context of intensification of constructive dialog with Asian Pacific countries.

The sides demonstrate commitment to traditional friendship ties in modern historical conditions building fundamentally new model of cooperation, which based on balance of mutual economic interests and national priorities of the state development.

Official visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan in 2013 and mutual visits on high level in 2015were remarkable milestones of bilateral relations.important agreements and signed documents gave strong impulse and content to traditional interstate relations.

Turkmen Japanese partnership is successfully developed in multilateral formats, in particular under the Central Asia Japan Dialog, which received a systematic character.Regular business meetings and forums, sessions of Turkmen Japanese Committee for economic cooperation support steadfast progress of cooperation, practical realization of its huge potential.

The 13th session of the above-mentioned Committee was held in May this year.Representative delegation chaired by Vice-president of ITOCHU Corporation Yoichi Kobayasi has come to Turkmen capital for participation in the meeting.

Partners from the Country of Raising Sun confirmed the intent of Japanese business circles to expand their presence in dynamically developing Turkmen market, participate in implementation of large-scale reformation programmes and infrastructural projects in Turkmenistan.

Special focus was made on the most promising vectors of cooperation taking into account Turkmenistan course toward the industrialization and diversification of the economy, creation of scientifically based productions oriented on making of high-quality commodities competitive in the world markets.

It is worth mentioning in this aspect that new stimulus were given to interstate cooperation by the documents signed during the visit of delegation of our country to Japan in March this year.

Wide range of directions are in the focus of bilateral cooperation these days.Japanese companies have recommended themselves as reliable partners in implementation of such big projects as construction of industrial complexes in different regions of the country.

Plants for production of ammonia and carbamide in Mary, carbamide fertilizers in Garabogaz, polyethylene and polypropylene in Kiayanly, Balkan Velayat, first in the world plant for production f eco-friendly synthetic gasoline from gas in Ahal velayat have been built with participation of Japanese companies.

Participation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in opening ceremonies of these facilities indicates importance of the complexes for the economy of Turkmenistan.There are favourable opportunities for beneficial partnership in transport, communication and logistic spheres, agriculture and other directions where consolidation of interests seems to be the most efficient.

Humanitarian sphere including contacts in scientific and educational sphere, culture and art, sports and tourism, are important components of interstate dialog.Oguzkhan Engineering and Technological University, Japanese department in Dovletmammed Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages where teachers from the Country of Raising Sun work, are the symbols of fruitful cooperation.

Specialized secondary schools, which programme has Japanese language, also works.Therefore, reliable foundation has been put and all conditions for further strategic partnership, diversification of productive Turkmen Japanese business relations have been made.

Continuing the subject of cooperation with countries of Asian Pacific region, it is necessary to highlight that traditionally friendly and respectful relations connect Turkmenistan and the People’s Republic of China.

Practice of interstate cooperation, which is based on significant experience of old joint work, showed that existing potential of national economies allows both countries developing versatile partnership including in trade and economic sphere, energy sector, transport and communication, advanced technologies and other branches.

Contraction of transnational gas line, which transport gas from Turkmenistan to China, is a bright example of beneficial consolidation of efforts.Bilateral relations in humanitarian and cultural sphere, where rich practice of cooperation has been gained, are developed dynamically.

Turkmen Chinese committee has been established for efficient realization of existing potential.According to agreements reached on highest level, Turkmenistan and Chinademonstrate the willingness to promote old partnership, which has long-term and strategic character.

At the same time, it has to be mentioned that neutral Turkmenistan under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov actively cooperates with the states of Asian Pacific region not only in bilateral format but also under competent international organizations and structures.

In modern conditions, this cooperation is a significant factor of positive development of international processes, support and strengthening of peace, security and stability, provision of prosperity in regional and global scales.

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