11.12.2019 | Conference dedicated to International Neutrality Day is held in Turkmen capital

The conference hall of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted scientific conference “Neutrality of Turkmenistan: Cooperation for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development”.Representatives of the Mejlis and diplomatic corps of the country, heads of embassies and representative offices of international organizations accredited in Ashgabat, Institute of State, Law and Democracy as well as professors, lecturers and students of high educational institutes and mass media took part in the forum timed to the 24th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

Participants of the conference noted that December 12, 1995 is one of the most important dates in the modern history of Turkmen nation.Adoption of Special Resolution on Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan with unanimous support of 185 state members of the UN 24 years ago has become an important event in the world politics.

Repeat adoption of this Resolution on June 3, 2015has confirmed high authority of our state, adoption of the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on declaration of December 12 as International Neutrality Day by initiative of Turkmenistan was another evidence of this.

Foreign course of our country meets national interests and long-term goals of the United Nations, the UN Charter, criteria of constructive and balanced approach to provision of overall stability and security.

In this context, speeches of the heads of diplomatic and international structures accredited in our country raised keen interest.Thus, the reports of Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Central Asia, head of the Un Regional Centre of Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalia Gherman, the UN Permanent Coordinator in Turkmenistan Elena Panova , Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd, Ambassadors of the Republic of Italy Diego Ungaro and the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmaljon Kuchkarov gave high appraisal to position of our country in the world arena.

Foreign diplomats noted that Turkmenistan use its political, economic and cultural potential in full volume for the interests of global peace and sustainable development.Multiple election of Turkmenistan to governing authorities of international organization, particularly under the UNG is a bright evidence of growing authority of the country.

It was highlighted in the report dedicated to the importance of legal status of neutrality that it is the highest expression of primordial peace-loving traditions of Turkmen nation and undoubtedly, is a phenomenon in the system of international law.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov considers neutrality as a mechanism o combination of geopolitical interests, important factor of provision of regional stability and establishment of cilized dialog on constructive base.In general, multidimensional foreign policy and national diplomacy support establishment of positive relations, which are based on equality, trust and mutual respect.

Active position of Turkmenistan is expressed in full involvement to global process through peace-making activity, support in development of effective models of economic cooperation, provision of political platform for solution of problems in the region and in the world for overall security, creation of favourable conditions for sustainable development and progress.

Following undertaken international obligations, our country approach comprehensive partnership with full responsibility, giving priority to cooperation with the United Nations and its agencies.Speaking from tribune of the UN General Assembly, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted repeatedly that cooperation with competent structure is a defining vector of foreign policy of our country.

As for today, neutral status of Turkmenistan is a multi-level system, which includes internal and external factors and responding adequately to changing global political and economic conditions and time requirements.

In this context, it was noted that dialog of our country with foreign states and international organizations received multidimensional and effective character.Exhibition expanded on occasion of the holiday in the hall of the Institute and introducing historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen nation as well as achievements of our country for years of independence was an excellent add to scientific conference.

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