10.11.2019 | Turkmenistan observes Harvest Festival

Turkmenistan has widely observed the Harvest Festival.Ashgabat equestrian complex was the centre of celebration events.Members of the Government and National Parliament, heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in our country, personnel of ministries and departments, capital and velayat administrations, personnel of scientific, educational and cultural spheres, public activists, mass media, elders and students were among the participants on the event.

The guests were greeted with songs and dance compositions by famous singers and choreographic groups representing all regions and the capital.Bright palette of celebration reflected richness and originality of national art.

Exhibition of achievements of agricultural complex, which presented wide variety of agricultural production, textile industry and facilities of food industry related to the Government and private sector of national economy, has been opened at the territory of the complex.

Sample of modern equipment from the leading manufacturers have also been presented.Exhibition halls reflecting regional snapshot of large-scale economic changes were presented by the velayats of the country.

gastronomic traditions and specialities of cooking of Turkmen traditions dishes raised keen interest of the visitors.Various national bread types like kul’che’, petir’, yagly chorek’, suytly chorek’, which were neighbouring modern baking products and confectionary, have been widely represented.

Shelves with various fruits, vegetables and berries looked bright at the exhibition.One of the exhibition sections introduced the potential of national seed production segment, samples of perspective species of various crops selected by Turkmen specialists, which have recommended themselves very well in local soil and climate conditions.

Exhibits of ethnographic collections including hand tools and devices of land cultivation, growing and milling the grain allowed making a tour to the history and tracing the evolution of land farming traditions.

Nationals yurtas’ added special colour to the event.Bakhshys demonstrated their performance skills next to them.Visitors were able to see masters making embroidery, spinning wool, making felt mats and carpets as well as the process of making jewellery by zergers’.

Turkmen sculptors, artists, jewellers presented their best works dedicated to the celebration.Turkmen ladies treated the visitors with scones baked in tamdyr’ and fluffy pishme’.The guest were able to try tasty national dishes cooked by the best chefs.

National games and wrestler fights have added bright touches to celebration atmosphere.Improvised festival of folklore and national traditions raised increased interest and positive emotion of foreign guest.

Greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to agricultural personnel and all Turkmenistan citizens on occasion of the Harvest Festival has been read during official part of the event.Gratitude has been expressed to the President of Turkmenistan on behalf of personnel of agricultural complex for the conditions for fruitful work of the farmers, steadfast improvement of life level of rural residents.

An excellent Ahalteke horse Bereketly, which has its lineage from famous ancestors, was presented to the President from agricultural personnel.The vents in the equestrian complex of the capital was continued with races.

Jockeys have demonstrated speed qualities of ahalteke horses in five races.The best jockeys, winners of the competitions received valuable gifts.Different cultural and mas and sport events, thematic conferences and exhibitions time to the celebration were held all around the country.

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