08.10.2018 | Foundation stone-laying ceremonies for new villages in Ahal Velayat take place

Foundation stone-laying ceremonies for new villages and Beherden Carpet making facility were held in Kopetdag and Ovadandepe districts of Gyoktepe etrap.Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on Construction of new modern villages in Gyoktepe, Ak bugday and Kaahka etraps of Ahal Velayat for realization of the objectives set out in National Programme of social and economic development in 2011 2030 and new edition of the Programme of improvement of social and living condition of rural population until 2020, satisfaction of the requirements of the citizens in living and further improvement of life level of the population.

According to the document, it is planned to build administration buildings, living houses, schools for 640 students, kindergartens for 320 children, shopping centres, clinics, social event and national tradition grounds and car parking in each living estate.

New settlements will appear soon in the above-mentioned etraps. … Heads of regional and etrap administration, honoured elders, representatives of public organizations, mass media and local residents took part in current ceremonies.

Delegation of the delegation of National Parliament led by Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the events by the request of the Speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.Celebration atmosphere was highlighted by song and dance compositions performed by art collectives and demonstration performance of the sportsmen.

It was mentioned that creation of new villages and settlements in the country, which are to improve living conditions of rural population and create additional work occupancies, to enhance economic and investment mechanisms of regional development, is one of the most important directions of socially oriented economic policy of the Head of the State.

Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who made a speech on behalf of the parliamentarians, highlighted that realization of current projects together with integrated programmes and fundamental changes would allow bringing the economy of Ahal velayat to higher level and considerably improving social provision of the population.

Big living estates, 108 hectares each, will be built in Kopetdag and Ovadandepe districts of Gyoktepe etrap.It is planned to build 400 houses, which will accommodate 2,000 tenants in each village.

It will be big panel single-storey 100 five-room, 100 three-room and 200 four-room houses.Customs of rural residents were taken into consideration during design of the houses.

For example, each house will have land plot for garden, covered area for household needs, garage as well as necessary engineering and technical communication.Educational and medical facilities will be provided with advanced equipment.

Administration building and shopping centres will meet all modern requirements.Foundation stone laying ceremony of Baherden Art Carpet Facility was another event that marked that day.The participants of the ceremony noted that new carpet facilities with excellent conditions for productive work and realization of artistic ideas of masters have been built recently in the result of active support of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov t development of national applied art and integrated modernization of production infrastructure of this sphere.

Carpet making is one of primordial crafts of Turkmen people.It remained until our days mainly because its secrets were carefully passed from generation to generation as precious family value.

Today, the dynasties of excellent carpet masters are known in Baharden.Construction of new facility will not only allow creating 150 additional work occupancies but also will be the contribution to support and development of unique tradition of carpet making, which is the pride of Turkmen nation.

The facility will be built in administration centre of Baharden etrap by national construction organizations.Realization of the project is one of the stages of implementation of large-scale programme of integrated development of the regions.

The facility of Turkmenhaly production Association of the Ministry of Textile Industry, which is designed fpr production of 600 1650 square meters of carpets and carpet items per year, would be able to satisfy big demand on this production in internal market.

It is also planned to export significant part of the production.

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