06.12.2019 | Outcomes of Turkmenistan development in January November are reviewed at extended session of the Government

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where subjects of foreign policy of Turkmenistan have been discussed, outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for eleven months of the year have been summed up and future objectives have been outlined.

Coming over to review of the subjects of the agenda, Turkmen leader gave floor to Minister of finances and Economy B.Bazarov who reported on macroeconomic indicators for January November 2019.

It was informed that stable development was observed by the results of eleven months of the year in all branches of national economy.The growth of GDP is provided on 6.3 percent level comparing with the same period of the last year.

The production growth rate is 106.9 percent higher comparing with the same period of 2018.The revenue of the State Budget of the country made up 20.4 billion manats while expenditure 19.2 billion manats in January November.

Average salary wages have increased by 9.6 percent comparing with the same period of 2018.All types of payments have been paid in full volume and on time.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants of the session, having focused on the importance of fulfilment of objectives for income of foreign currency.Each executive has to justify and get approval of working plans of his ministry or department in the Ministry of Finances and Economy, the Head of the State, having also noted the necessity to settle relative payments until the end of the year.

Addressing Head of the Ministry of Finances and Economy B.Bazarov, the President ordered to take under control full volume of taxes as well as fulfilment adopted programmes.

Continuing the session, Turkmen leader highlighted that pardoning of the citizens are held traditionally in our country on occasion of big holidays.Prosecutor General B.Atdayev reported on the outcomes of work carried out by the Commission for proposals in citizenship and pardoning under the President of Turkmenistan for pardoning of sentenced people on occasion of International Neutrality Day.

Having signed relative Order on pardoning of 528 people, the Head of the State ordered the heads of law enforcement agencies to take necessary measures for people released from prison would be able to celebrate the holiday with their families.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Meredov reported on the activity of the branches under his supervision for 11 months of the year.Information about technical and economic indicators achieved in oil and gas condensate, natural and associated gas production as well as in export of gas and development of investments has been presented.

The plan for oil refining for the period under review has been fulfilled by 101.1 percent, for gasoline production by 100.1 percent, for diesel fuel production by 101.7 percent, for liquefied gas production by 100.3 percent.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan demanded to take necessary measures for improvement of efficiency of activity of oil and gas complex.The Head of the State has ordered to activate work for attraction of investment to the sphere as well as for selection and training of management.

The Vice-premier has also received the instruction to hold the construction of the TAPI gas line under strict control.In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.

Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for 11 months of the year and seasonal field works in the region.In general, the growth rate of production, works and services was 107.8 percent in agricultural complex.

The indicator of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has reached 107.2 percent, the State Water Management Committee 114.6 percent, the State Association Türkmen atlary - 107.5 percent.

The plan of development of investments has been executed by 108.6 percent.Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that the main objective in agricultural complex remain the same at present.

First, the Vice-premier together with heads of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection and hyakims of the velayats have to provide high production rates of agricultural crops in the next year.

Second, it is necessary to activate reformation of agriculture in accordance with the decisions of the People’s council.Having noted that the base of the next year production of wheat, cotton, rice, vegetable, cucurbitaceous and fruit crops is laid these days, the Head of the State ordered to provide strict control of all necessary agrotechnical activities and maintenance of irrigation systems.

The Vice-premier has also been requested to accelerate modernization of the management structure of agricultural complex.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Ovezov made a report on the outcomes of activity of the ministries and departments of industrial and communication complexes of Turkmenistan in January November.

For the period under review, they have fulfilled production plan by 120 percent with the growth rate of 118 percent.The growth rate of production of the Ministry of Textile Industry was 143 percent.

The growth rate in cargo transportation sphere by roads, railways, air and sea is equal to 103.3 percent.The growth rate of passenger transportation is 100.5 percent.

Summing up the report, the Head of Turkmenistan stated that Türkmensenagat Agency and the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa have not fulfilled the objectives again while previously the Vice-premier was told about the necessity of acceleration of development rates of chemical industry, increment of production volumes of mineral fertilizers as well as cement and other building materials, effective work on attraction of investments.

It is necessary to work on realization of the potential of all modes of transport more actively, the President noted, having highlighted that decisions on digitization of the economy, initiatives of our country for development of regional and transcontinental communication routes, establishment of strong equipment and facility base of construction industry require resolute activities.

It is also necessary to continue construction of powerful commercial fleet, for which sources of finances have to be sought.Attracting more foreign investors, it is necessary to carry out reconstruction of roads and railways, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.Purchekov reported on the results of activity of construction and energy complex, sphere of municipal service and capital administration for eleven months of the year.

The plan of works and services of the Ashgabat Administration has been fulfilled by 102.3 percent with the growth rate of 133.2 percent for the period under review.

Fulfilment of works and services plan of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture was on 100.3 percent level with the growth rate of 105 percent in January November.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State ordered to take measures for complete the construction of facilities panned to be put into operation by New Year.

Having focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the necessity to elaborate on the programme of construction for the next year, Turkmen leader noted that it is necessary to find the sources of financing of number of facilities.

The Head of the State outlined construction of new settlements under National programme of improvement of rural regions among the utmost objectives.Having noted the importance of acceleration of establishment of energy ring of the country, the Head of the state ordered to analyse the situation in this field and take specific measures for activation of these works.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of work for development of trade sphere and private section of the economy in January November.

The growth of total trade by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations was 22 percent for 11 months of the year comparing with the same period of the last year.

At the same time, retail trade has increased by 10.2 percent while the wholesale trade by 30.7 percent.The growth rate of production is equal to 10.6 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange held 230 trade session and registered 27,939 contracts for the period under review.The growth rate of service provided by the Trade and Industrial Chamber has reached 46.8 percent. 22 exhibitions and 28 conferences have been held from January to November.

Enterprises of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs made 16.3 percent more of industrial production and 16.4 percent more of agricultural and food production.Total export volume of food production has increased by 45.2 percent, non-food and industrial production by 10.1 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Addressing Vice-premier Ch.Gylyjov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to arrange strict control of provision of market and shops of the country with food products on affordable prices due to coming International Neutrality Day and New Year.

The Head of the State has also requested to carry out monitoring of production volumes of import substitutive and export oriented production together with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G.

Myradov.Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Abdiyeva reported on the results of activity in the structures under her supervision in January November this year and realization of the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in 2019 2025 for the period under review.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that two big holidays International Neutrality Day and New Year, are coming.Bright celebration events, interesting performances have to be prepared for adults and children.

All theatres, concert halls, the State Circus have to be involved for this, the Head of the State said, having requested the Vice-premier to think over relative subjects and take necessary measures.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P.Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision in January November 2019 and noted that integrated work for further development of scientific and education sphere, health protection and sports is carried out.

It was informed that equipment and facility base of facilities is modernized, educational programmes and plans are improved under the reformation of the system of education.Results of participation of young Turkmenistan citizens in big international educational contests indicate the success of reforms.

For 11 months of the year, students of secondary schools won 140 medals 37 gold, 31 silver and 72 bronze.Students of high educational institutes of the country won 9 gold, 12 silver and 16 bronze medals.

The Vice-premier has also reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the course of reform in the sphere of national health protection.Results of work for development of sports, physical culture, Olympic movement, expansion of international cooperation in this sphere were one of the subjects of the report.

Summing up the report, the President noted the necessity of acceleration of rates of reforms in educational and health protection spheres.The State budget for the next year has to provide big volumes for achievement of these goals.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G.Mammedova informed about the activity of legislation authority for the past 11 months.It was mentioned that 65 Laws of Turkmenistan and 35 Resolutions of the Mejlis, which were developed according to the priorities of the Government policy and integrated programme of modernization of legal and regulatory base of the country, have been adopted during four sessions of National Parliament held from the beginning of the year.

Meetings with diplomats and delegations of number of foreign countries took place in the Mejlis under development of inter-parliamentary relations and study of world law-making practice, expansion of cooperation with the UN representative offices and other competent organizations.

Working group, which was established in the Mejlis according to the request of the Head of the State, studies and sums up the proposals on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

Legal acts existing in Turkmenistan for development of the draft of relative Constitutional Law are analysed.Parliamentarians actively work on the sites on explanation of the meaning and importance of constitutional reforms to the population.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov urged deputies to continue targeting their activity to improvement of wellbeing of Turkmenistan citizens and asserting democratic princiles in the society.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers R.

Meredov reported on the result of activity of the Foreign Ministry for the period under review.It was highlighted that our country steadily implements the course to development of friendly relations and constructive cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats under competent international and regional organizations.

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the state summed up the outcomes of the country’s development for the past 11 months, having stated that despite complicated processes in global economy and deficiencies in work of certain branches, especially in fuel and energy complex, it can be confidently stated that in general, national economy has kept the growth rates.

By the forecasts, the GDP will remain on 6.3 percent level.Increment of production volumes is observed almost in all branches of national economy, the President noted.

Share of private sector in the economy, which is equal to 65.4 percent, has been increased according to the adopted programmes.The revenue of the State budget has been fulfilled as per planned objectives.

Salary wages.Pensions, state allowances are paid on time.Numerous social, living and production facilities have been built and put into operation, the President continued.In the results of the measures, volumes of export oriented production have increased by 2.5 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

In this context, the Head of the State pointed out that it is necessary to continue increasing production of import substitutive and export goods by production of new types, working using all existing capabilities and resources.

In other words, it can be said that satisfactory results have been received by the outcomes of eleven months.Following real situation, the Stat budget for 2020 has been adopted.

In addition, we have Stabilization Fund and sufficient amount of the government assets in general, the President noted.In this context, it was highlighted that it is necessary to continue honest and productive work, to develop the economy of the country at high rates.

It is necessary to accelerate privatization process, where placement of shares, organization of security market and opening of auction trades have to be the main tools.Further strengthening of market institutes, development of free competitions, stimulation of private entrepreneurship initiatives is the main objective in the branches of the economy engaged in production.

This is a good opportunity for intensification of beneficial cooperation for investors, the Head of the State said.President noted that current year was rich on foreign political events.

Bilateral relations with different states have been widely and fruitfully developed.Meetings with many leaders of Asian, European and Arab world countries, during which important agreements have been reached and number of documents has been signed, were held.

The contacts of the Foreign Ministry have an active character.Political consultation are held on regular basis on number of important aspects of the world and regional agenda.

Such work gives opportunity to establish fruitful dialog with partners, to coordinate the views and approaches to all foreign affairs.International cooperation, diplomatic and consulate relation with different countries are steadily expanded.

This year, Turkmenistan achieved great success in cooperation with competent international structures, first with the United Nations, the Head of the State highlighted.Membership of our country in three important structures of the UN, namely in the Commission for Population and development, Commission for Narcotic Drugs and executive Council of the World Food Programme, adoption of the UN Resolution on cooperation between the United Nations and International Fud for Saving of Aral Sea and on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust initiated by Turkmen side are undisputable confirmation of correction of our course to wide partnership in solution of current objectives of modern world.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the above-mentioned documents indicate that foreign policy of Turkmenistan meets the interests of peace, security and sustainable development.As is known, Turkmenistan chaired the Commonwealth of Independent States this year.

Work carried out in this status, the President stated, was effective and gave new informative impulse to the activity of this organization.According to protocol documents, sessions of the Councils of the Heads of the states and governments, foreign ministers, economic council as well as several profile conferences took place in the period of chairing in the CIS in our country.

During this events, Turkmenistan proposed number of initiatives, which are to give necessary rates and efficiency to the work of the Commonwealth, first to its economic activity, the Head of the state said, having noted that these proposals were understood and supported by the CIS partners.

The adoption of the Declaration on strategic economic cooperation between member states of the Commonwealth was joint big success of the CIS Summit in Ashgabat on October 11, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

As is known, the Head of the State said, chairing of our country in International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea is finished this year.For three year, namely from 2017 to 2019, chairing this international structure, Turkmenistan organized and held number of important events aimed at realization of goals and objectives of the Fund.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention of the high-level meeting of the Heads of the states - founders of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea in Avaza National tourist zone in August 2018.

Final document adopted by the outcomes of the forum consolidated fundamental approaches for solution of ecological, economic, social and humanitarian issues related to Aral Sea.At the same time, the Heads of the states defined new directions of cooperation.

In particular, the necessity of consultations on preparation of the Special Programme of the United Nations for the countries of Aral Sea basin has been noted.The President continued that this year, our independent state has developed and expanded foreign relations.

Implementing open door policy, Turkmenistan established beneficial contacts with dozens of the states, big foreign companies, international financial structures.Sessions of bilateral commissions for economic, scientific and technical cooperation have been held with many states.

In addition, important business forums with participation of national and foreign business structures have been held.Expositions of Turkmenistan were organized at different international exhibitions and fairs.This work gave good results.

Stimulating development of national economy, it supports the attraction of big volumes of investments, realization of major infrastructural projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.First Caspian Economic Forum was held in our country last august, which has become the event of international significance.

During the forum, Turkmen and foreign companies signed different agreements and contracts.In addition, trade contracts to the amount of 400 billion US dollars have been signed.Exhibition of Caspian Investment Technologies and International Conference have been organized under the CEF, important economic subjects have been discussed.

The Statement taken by the outcomes of the First Caspian Economic Forum was distributed as a document at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that neutrality of Turkmenistan has become the basic principle for cooperation in international space and our foreign political and economic activity.

The Head of the State said that remarkable date for our country the 25th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality, would be observed next year.Certainly, this is our own holiday and great success of Turkmen nation and state.

At the same time, it has big international significance.This fact is proven by the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on Declaration of December 12 as International Neutrality Day.

Next year, we have to hold conferences, forums, cultural and sport events, other events on international significance on high organizational level, the Head of the state said.We plan to celebrate this anniversary with achievement of big social and economic successes.

dozens of big industrial and social facilities are planned to be put into operation in 2020.Therefore, the President highlighted, we would have big and serious work.Therefore, it is necessary to start the preparation of anniversary events immediately.

Relative organization Committee is established and relative plans are approved for these purposes.Highlighting international significance of this remarkable event, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued that we have to observe another historical event in 2021 the 20th anniversary of independence.

In this regard, the Head of the state ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare plans of relative events by the embassies, consulates and representative offices at international organizations of our country in foreign states.

Having focused the attention of the participants of the session on certain perspective international subjects, the President outlined expansion of geography of trade and economic cooperation among important events.

Our diplomatic missions to foreign countries have to stimulate interest to economic and export capabilities of Turkmenistan and its investment attractiveness and readiness for cooperation.Speaking of this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the ambassadors of our state to enforce the activity in this direction, to carry our close and fruitful work with the government organizations, companies and banks of the country where they work.

Addressing the ambassadors, the President outlined establishment of regular contacts with trade and industrial chambers, unions and industrial and entrepreneur associations of the states where they work, visits of facilities producing commodities of the interest, serious study of investment and trade legislation on sites among priority objectives.

Modern conditions require the embassies such order and character of work, the Head of Turkmen state highlighted.It is necessary to focus on strict and accurate fulfilment of bilateral and multilateral documents signed by Turkmenistan, to demand this from our partners, Turkmen leader said.

Representatives of Turkmenistan to foreign countries have to protect national interests of the country and at the same time, to continue expanding beneficial cooperation with international organizations of economic, investment and financial directions.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that next year, we have to make steps toward activation of relations with such UN structures as the UN Conference for Trade and Development, the UN Industrial Development organization, the World Trade organziations and other.

The Head of the State continued that at present time, we set practical objectives for the next years to foreign department and embassies.Undoubtedly, all of them have to serve to our main goal and be aimed at the strengthening of place of Turkmenistan in the world arena as peaceful state providing and strengthening of common stability and security and implementing programmes of stable development of the state.

In this regard, it was highlighted that strengthening of traditionally goodwill dialog with all countries of Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, Azerbaijan is an important vector of freign policy of Turkmenistan.

Great importance will be paid to intensification of the cooperation with Turkey.Russian Federation is a strategic partner of Turkmenistan.Resting on historical practice of bilateral cooperation, we will continue expanding the partnership with Russian in political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, the Head of the State said.

Our country develops fruitful versatile cooperation with the People’s Republic of china, for activation of which all existing capabilities would be used, throughout many years, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.

Japan, Korean Republic, Malaysia also support fruitful political and economic relations with Turkmenistan where successful realization of number of joint projects of economic and social aspect can be brought as example.

Close cooperation will be continued with India and Pakistan, with which our country is united by ancient historical relations.Turkmenistan moves along the way of consolidation of cooperation with the states of the Middle East.

Soon, we would carry out all necessary work for bringing of cooperation with our partners in this region to new level, the President highlighted.European countries have always been and remain to be our reliable partners.

It is planned to take proper measures for bringing of relations with European countries to new level next year.Having stated significant activation of the dialog with the states of American continent, the Head of Turkmenistan made special mention of the United States of America.

Open and constructive bilateral political relations give reason for successful intensification of Turkmen American cooperation in economic, educational and cultural spheres.Work on establishment of diplomatic relations with the countries of African continent, which is carried out recently, will be continued.

Number of mutual visits will be also increased.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that cooperation with competent international structures, especially with the United Nations as a strategic partner of Turkmenistan, as well as with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, European Union, Non-alignment Movement, Islamic Cooperation Organization would be expanded.

Relations with regional economic unions such as the economic Cooperation Organization, Shanghai Cooperation organization, Eurasian Economic Union, Association of South Eastern Asia and number of other structures seems to be perspective for partnership.

Foreign course of Turkmenistan meets its long-term national interests, goals and objectives of the world community.Our country makes significant contribution to strengthening of the foundations of common security and cooperation and this policy will remain unchanged in the future, the Head of the State said.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed about the decision to sign number of important documents.With regard of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan next year, the head of the State signed the Resolution of International Conference, celebrations and events dedicated to this remarkable event.

Resolution on International Conference of the Minsters of Transport of developing countries, which have no access to sea, was signed next.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution on approval of the Programme of development of foreign economic activity of Turkmenistan in 2020 2025 for realization of objectives for intensification of international cooperation of our country in economy and giving of new content to this work.

The President signed the Resolution on Financial Subjects of diplomatic Service of Turkmenistan, which approves expenses and organization structures of foreign embassies, consulates and permanent representative offices of our country at international organizations.

The Head of the State signed the Resolution on opening of the General Consulate of our country in Kazan (Russian Federation) as well as approved National strategy of Turkmenistan for early child development in 2020 2025.

Resolution on approval of National Action Plan of Turkmenistan for combating against human trafficking in 2020 2022, which has been developed by the Government of our country with International Migration Organization, was signed at the session.

Continuing the session, the Head of the State signed the Resolution on approval of National Strategy of Turkmenistan for prevention of violent extremism and combating against terrorism in 2020 2024.

After, the Head of the State noted that we have International Neutrality Day soon the holiday, which symbolizes the triumph of peace, friendship, humanity and goodwill.Adoption of the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on declaration of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust announced about the efforts of Turkmenistan for assertion of peace and friendship on the planet to the world community.

Finishing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated all compatriots on International Neutrality Day and wished them strong health, family prosperity and big success in work.

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