06.10.2019 | President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participates in the ceremonies on occasion of the Memorial Day

Turkmenistan observes the Memorial Day when tribute is paid to heroes lost in the battlefields of all wars as well as to the victims of catastrophic Ashgabat earthquake in 1948.

The State flags have been were flown half-mast on occasion of sad date.Memorial prayers and food donation ceremonies are held all around the country.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the mourning flower laying ceremony to the monuments of “Halk hakydasy” Memorial Complex. …Memory is a spiritual component of the nation’s life.

This is an invisible but strong line connecting generations, which allows not only keeping the sources and traditions but also building new own destiny based on historical experience and creating own future.

Magnificent Halk Hakydasy Complex, which is stretched on the hills in the southwest part of the capital, became an embodiment of eternal glory and courage of our ancestors.Early in the morning, thousands of Ashgabat residents have come to Halk Hakydasy Memorial Complex to put wreaths to the monuments.

The vehicle of the President has stoped at the square in front of the Memorial complex where the Guard of Honour has lined up.The State anthem of Turkmenistan was played.

Its solemn melody was replaced by sad Kechpelek”.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov put flower wreaths to the monuments Ruhy tagzym, Milletiň ogullary and Baky şöhrat.Memories of Ashgabat earthquake in 1948, which was one of the most devastating in the history, fill the heart with grief of Turkmenistan citizens until our days.

Those, who survived in that tragic night, when the force of nature hit with tremendous power on the night of October 6 and destroyed Turkmen capital to the ground, have demonstrated courage, resilience, self-sacrifice and restraint.

Shared tragedy consolidated strengthen and moral spirit of people.The Head of the State bowed his head as a sign of deep mourn.Merciless force of nature has cut life of grandfather of the Head of the State Berdimuhamed Annayev, 1941 1945 war veteran, teacher who devoted his life to education of younger generation… Today, Ashgabat has turned into one of the most beautiful cities of the world, centre of regional and global cooperation, place of big international events.

Many buildings of Turkmen capital were awarded with prizes of prestige architectural contests.This is another evidence of recognition of grandiose success and achievements in development of Ashgabat by the world community.

Everything, what is new in construction technologies in the world, is applied in the main city of the country, which expands its borders.Sinking in parks and public gardens, shining with gilded domes of the palaces and silver streams of numerous fountains, the main city of the country impresses with original architecture of modern high-raise buildings and facilities, many of which are listed in the Guinness Record Book.

Bunches of flowers are laid to the pedestal of the Milletiň ogullary Monument, which is a symbol of nation’s respect and hour of the defenders of native land.

Autumn flowers covered marble slabs of the Baky şöhrat Minument, which was built in honour of Turkmenistan citizens the participants of the most blood-shed war in the history of humanity in 1941 1945, who demonstrated an exemplary resilience, faith to military duty, love of native land and lost in the battle fields, like a carpet.

Deputies of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, public organizations, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan , students and numerous Ashgabat residents put flowers to the monuments.

The President of Turkmenistan looked around wall reliefs of prominent individuals who left irreplaceable trace in the history by their valuable merits for the nation and the country.The Head of the State focused on the necessity to continue work on placing of the images of those who have spared no life for the happiness of future generations and peace in home land.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and other participants went to the place of memorial food ceremony in Halk Hakydasy Memorial Complex.Addressing the participants, the Head of the State noted that following national traditions we pay tribute to our compatriots who were lost at war and became victims of Ashgabat earthquake.

We pray for them and give food donations. “Let the Almighty accepts all food donations given on the Memorial Day, prayers for wealth of the nation, peace and prosperity of the Motherland”” the President said.

After, Turkmen leader gave floor to the Mufti of the country who has read the tyaberek” prayer.Ritual lunch took place after the prayer.After food, the “ayat tovir” memorial prayer was said. * * * Commemorative ceremonies and food donations took place in all velayats of the country this day.

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